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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Notes, coin and antique

This blog mostly for the antique, coin and notes collectors

Malaysia's Notes
Most of people value notes only on the display value (face value). Some of the notes actually priced more than what we can think of. This interesting hobbies just slap my face and since then I start to collect those barang antik, duit lama, rare and old stamp.

My first Collection of Malaysian notes

1. Replacement note:

a. RM 1 (Zetti) : ZA, ZB and ZE

b. RM 10 (Zetti) : ZA

c. RM50 (Zetti) : ZB, ZD

These replacement notes can reach up to RM 30 for RM1 face value. So think again before you spend.

RM1 with ZA prefix.

RM10 with ZA prefix.

RM50 with ZB prefix.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog......visit my blog
